Wetland Management Division

Dr. Eng. N.S. Wijayaratne
Phd, M.Sc, Eng (Civil), MIE (SL), Chartered Civil Engineer
Deputy General Manager(Wetland Management)
Division Contact Details - +94 112884806
Division Email - wetland@sllrdc.lk
Division Fax - +94 112872680
Main Functions of the WM Division
- Management of Diyasaru Park at Thalawathugoda
- Management of Urban Agriculture and Environment Improvement Project – Madiwela
- Conduction workshop programs on CEPA (Communication, Education, Participation &
Awareness) for wetland conservation & low land development - Implementation of specific wetland management strategies for wetland conservation
- Colombo water quality improvement project
- Restoration of water quality of Beira Lake and Parliament Lake
- Implementing Colombo Water Quality Improvement Project
- Issuing the clearance for discharging of treated waste water to SLLDC water bodies
- Waste Management Park at Kerawalapitiya