To be the best government owned Cement based product manufacturer/supplier for the construction industry in Sir Lanka by providing high quality products and services to the entire customer satisfaction.To be the best government owned Cement based product manufacturer/supplier for the construction industry in Sir Lanka by providing high quality products and services to the entire customer satisfaction.To be the best government owned Cement based product manufacturer/supplier for the construction industry in Sir Lanka by providing high quality products and services to the entire customer satisfaction.
While uplifting quality & status of employees, we help our customers to achieve higher standards in their construction industry.
- Subsidiary company of Sri Lanka Land Reclamation & Development Corporation.
- Trade name as REDECO
- Established on 15th March 1983, Under the companies act No: 17 of 1982
- Company mainly focused to do
- To start Cement block manufacturing work by using heavy duty pan mixture machine for the highest performance at minimum capital outlay.
- To assist in construction works, Land development works, Irrigation works, Public services and any other services to the SLLRDC by deviating such government rules & registrations.
- First Chairman – Mr.D.T.W.Talgodapitiya
- First General Manager – Mr.Stanly de Silva
- First cement block machine installed on 1983 and 2nd machine installed on 1986 at Nawala which were imported from Singapore.
- 2 acre Land rented out to company by the S.L.L.R.D.C.
- In 1986
- 30 workers :- Nawala Factory
- 08 Staff :- Head office, at 22nd lane, Kollupitiya.
- Since the company Established as fully government owned company
- Total No. of shares issued – 25009
- To SLLRDC – 79.9%
- To State Timber Corporation – 19.9%
- To the Directors – 0.2%
- Obtained SLS standards in 1993 for 4”, 6” & 8” cellular blocks.
- Permit No : 268
- Standard : SLS855
REDECO Outstation Factories